Tutorial #2: How to make a repeat pattern in Photoshop

how to make a repeat pattern in Photoshop
how to make a repeat pattern in Photoshop

Hi everyone!

It has been a while I am thinking about showing here the process I take to make a repeat pattern, but today is the day I am finally taking the time to do it. I decided to make a floral-leafy pattern, Below you can find the steps I took to get to this result:

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 19.57.39

1. Here are the various loose flowers I made with watercolor.

2. Select one by one the drawings you want to keep with the lasso and copy them all into a new document, preferably square (mine is 5000 x 5000px). I made it huge because I always scan my drawings at 600 dpi; I can always make it smaller later.

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 20.09.29

3. Move the elements around in order to make a composition you are happy with. It doesn't have to fill the square (you will see why in the next step).

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4. Group all the loose elements together with CMD + G or CTRL + G.

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 17.43.42

5. Duplicate the group you just made by dragging and dropping the group onto the new layer icon.

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 17.45.32

6. Select one of the two groups and press CMD + E or CTRL + E or go to Layer > merge layers and make the other group invisible.

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 20.12.40

7. Select the active layer and go to Filter > Other > Offset. If your layer size was like mine 5000 x 5000 px, enter 2500 and 2500 as values for horizontal and vertical.

8. You now have a cross in the middle, that you will have to fill with other loose elements to make the pattern seamless. I don't like to fill the square until the edges too much, because the smaller the cross you have to fill later, the more the chances you will have for the 'seam' to show. I hope this makes sense!!

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 20.13.31

Now, make this layer 30% opacity, and make the other group visible again, so you can differentiate which flowers are on which layer.

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 20.26.00

9.  Now, you can organize the elements as you want to make the pattern harmonious. Watch out now not to put any element out of the square. I like this method, because you can see if you have two of the same elements next to each other.

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 20.29.18

10. We are almost done. Now, increase the opacity of the merged layer back to 100%.

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 20.30.17

11. To finish, you can go to Edit > Define pattern. Give it a name and save it.

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 18.25.20

12. You can now try it in a new document.

13. Create a new layer and fill it in white (Use the paint bucket tool (G)  or press Shift + Delete).

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 18.31.01

14. Double-click on the layer you just created to add a new layer style.

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 20.32.26

15. Click on the pattern window and you will be able to choose the new pattern you defined. By default, it shows up at 100%, so very big in my case.

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Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 20.33.35

16. You can now adjust the scale you want for your surface!

And we are all done! I hope you liked it! If you are doing it another way, or if you know some tips to do it more efficiently, don't hesitate to share it in the comments!

Tutorial: How to make a shiny shiny effect with Photoshop (gold foil)

As promised, I am going to share here the steps I followed to create the December poster I shared here yesterday. It is quite easy, really! Here we go: Here is my original drawing of leaves:


First, we will have to remove the white background in order to place the dark background instead. Before anything, make sure your 'background' layer is unlocked by double-clicking on it!

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Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 12.07.39

To easily remove the white background, go to Select > Color Range and click on the white, or color you want to remove. Play around with the 'fuzziness' tool. You are seeing the result at the same time in the window, but basically, the more you move the arrow to the left, the more black pixels you will leave visible. And the more you move the arrow to the right, the more black pixels it will remove. If your background is pretty clean and your blacks are quite deep, place the arrow around the middle (i placed it on 75) and you should be fine!

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Then Press OK, and you see the white is now selected. Press the delete key and you will have your leaves on a transparent background!

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Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 12.10.00

The next step is to reorganize your leaves as you wish (I drew the words 'bonjour décembre directly in Photoshop with my graphic tablet, so i could directly select the color):

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Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 12.13.11

The next step is to find a nice and dark paper texture. I found a nice white paper texture here, and I am just going to tweak it a bit to make it dark. As I open the number 11 of the pack, I realize there is not enough texture for me, so i am playing a bit with the levels (CMD+L or CTRL+L) to boost the blacks:

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Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 12.24.30

Then, double-click on your layer to add a layer-style (I added a 'color overlay' layer-style with a dark grey on multiply:

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Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 12.26.02

Tadaaa, there you have a nice deep dark paper texture background. Bring your dark paper texture to your other open document with the leaves, rotate it and place it to the background.

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Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 12.36.24

Next step is to find a great gold foil texture, here is mine from myfreetextures, but there are loads more:

gold foil
gold foil

Place your gold foil texture in your open document, underneath the leaves and words:

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Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 12.39.25

Now Last but not least, select the leaves and the words by pressing CMD+click on the layer's thumbnail (add a selection by pressing SHIFT + CMD and click on the layer's thumbnail). Once you have selected everything you want, go to your shiny golden layer and press the 'add vector mask' button! Don't forget to delete or hide your words/leaves layers, since they were placed on top.

There you go!


I hope you liked it! Don't hesitate if you have any question!